
Legislative Session Report Week 7

February 26, 2021




State News and Updates


The General Assembly reconvened on Monday and was in all five days, leaving us at legislative day 23. A great deal of work was done this week as legislators seek to move bills through their respective chambers in anticipation of Crossover Day. As the House gaveled out on Friday afternoon, an adjournment resolution was approved that would put Crossover Day on Monday, March 8. The Senate, having already gaveled out for the weekend, has not yet agreed to this schedule. 

Discussions this week have largely focused on the bounty of election bills and sports betting, but movement has continued on ag and rural initiatives. Georgia Farm Bureau has been at the Capitol each day to monitor the issues impacting agriculture. To read about the bills affecting Georgia agriculture, please see the Action This Week and Bills of Interest sections below.

GFB Legislative Alert
Speaker David Ralston presides over the House earlier this week. (Photo Credit: Georgia House Photo)


On Tuesday’s episode of GPB Lawmakers, which covers the daily ongoings of the legislative session, reporters discussed current events in agriculture with House & Senate Ag Chairmen, Robert Dickey (R-Musella) and Larry Walker (R-Perry), and Commissioner Gary Black. Conversations covered COVID-19’s impact and vaccine availability, the GA/FL Water Wars, direct-to-consumer market opportunities, hemp, and other topics. Watch this week’s ag-featured episode here. Coverage begins at the 7:20 minute mark.

GPB Lawmakers

Rep. Robert Dickey (l) and Sen. Larry Walker (r) joined GPB's Lawmakers this week to discuss current events in agriculture.


With the pace moving quickly for the ominous crossover deadline, bills addressing ag and rural issues continue to move forward. Senate Bill 247 was introduced this week by Sen. Lee Anderson, which modernizes requirements for public notice, hearings, and the voting process of Commodity Commissions, moving to electronic options to help better utilize Commission funds. The bill received a hearing on Thursday which identified a few additional adjustments needed. As language is finalized, a vote will likely occur early next week.

Rep. Robert Dickey has continued working to expand market opportunities for farmers and meet the demand of consumers for farm-to-table options. House Bill 575 would allow for on-farm processing and marketing of value-added items that are grown on the farm and licensed by the Department of Agriculture. Chairman Dickey has worked to ensure the integrity of CUVA is maintained, while balancing the option for farmers to market their products. HB 575 was passed out of the Ad Valorem sub-committee of Ways & Means, and will likely be taken up by the full committee early next week.

Other issues important to agriculture and rural Georgia continued moving this week, including hemp production, an increase of truck weights for timber, and a preemption bill prohibiting local governments from banning certain fuel choices for the sake of “going green.” 



Two opposing bills have been introduced at the State Capitol this session regarding Georgia's stance on daylight savings time, stirring up concern from farmers statewide. Earlier this week, Senate Bill 100 passed out of the Senate with a vote of 46-7. This bill would require the state to observe standard time year round effective immediately. If Congress authorizes states to observe daylight savings time year round, the state would then observe daylight savings time. It now moves on to the House where it has been assigned to the State Planning and Community Affairs Committee.

House Bill 44, introduced by Rep. Wes Cantrell of Woodstock, would require the state to observe daylight savings time as the official model year round. However, this would only become effective if Congress authorizes states to observe daylight savings time year round. The House State Planning and Community Affairs Committee favorably reported on this bill on January 29 but it has not yet made it to the House floor for a vote.

When clocks "fall back" in November, they switch from daylight to standard time, allowing for brighter mornings and darker evenings. When clocks "spring forward" in March, they go from standard to daylight, allowing for longer periods of daylight in the evenings. A number of arguments can be made for both standard and daylight time, but many in Georgia's agricultural, natural resources, and recreational industries prefer daylight for that very reason - longer periods of daylight in the evening allow for more time outside on the farm, in the field, or on the golf course, positively affecting the mental and physical wellbeing of Georgians as well as boosting local economies.

Neither Georgia Farm Bureau or the American Farm Bureau Federation have current policy surrounding daylight savings time, but we will continue to monitor these bills as they make their way through the legislature. If you are interested in contacting your legislators regarding these bills, you may do so by clicking here.



On Thursday afternoon, Governor Kemp announced expanded eligibility for those Georgians hoping to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Beginning March 8, Pre-K through 12 educators and staff, adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers, and parents of children with complex medical conditions will be eligible for vaccinations.

Currently Georgia is in Phase 1A, allowing those over the age of 65, those in healthcare and law enforcement, and those in extended care facilities, along with their caregivers, to be eligible. The March 8 expansion will allow an additional one million Georgians access to the vaccine. There are approximately two million eligible under Phase 1A.

If you are interested in receiving the vaccine and fall under current eligibility requirements, you can visit Georgia's virtual vaccine hub at


Georgia is currently vaccinating those residents who are eligible under Phase 1A, as outlined above. Beginning March 8, additional citizens, including those in education, will be eligible.



HB 150:
Reps. Williamson, Hatchett, Kelley, Frazier, Parsons, and Smith
In a concerning trend, some state and local authorities in the U.S. have adopted measures banning the connection of certain fuels (propane and natural gas) in new construction in an effort to reach their “carbon free” goals. HB 150 would prohibit government entities in Georgia from banning the connection of any utility service based on the type or source of fuel. GFB supports this bill, as many agricultural producers rely on these resources.
House Passed/Adopted by Substitute on 2/22/2021. Assigned to Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities on 2/23/2021.


HB 265:
Reps. Knight, Williamson, and Blackmon

House Bill 265 aims to clean up the state's revenue code, a large portion of the bill relating to tax-relief measures stemming from federal Covid-19 relief legislation. Included in the bill is a measure which would make certain Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loans tax exempt. Under SB 265, businesses eligible for PPP loan forgiveness would not be required to pay state taxes on the loans, even though they count as income. The measure also lets those business owners claim tax deductions on the loans.
House Passed/Adopted on 2/9/2021. Senate Passed/Adopted on 2/24/2021.


HB 336:
Reps. Corbett, Dickey, Pirkle, Jasperse, and Watson

Following two years of extensive legislation establishing Georgia's new hemp industry, HB 336 is a cleanup bill seeking to align Georgia's hemp laws to match federal standards. 
House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee Favorably Reported by Substitute on 2/24/2021.


HB 575:
Reps. Dickey, Watson, Pirkle, Holmes

In an effort to provide new market opportunities to farmers, this bill seeks to make the sale of products grown on the farm or value-added products to be a qualifying conservation use under CUVA. It would also provide a path for expanded marketing and sale of agricultural products not produced on a specific farm, by allowing the portion of property to be removed from the CUVA covenant without penalty.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee on 2/24/2021.


HB 608:
Reps. Wiedower, Burns, Smyre, Parsons, and Kelley

In an effort to enhance the expansion of broadband to unserved areas, this legislation authorizes the use of OneGeorgia funds to award contracts to qualified providers under the Georgia Broadband Deployment Initiative.

Assigned to House Governmental Affairs Committee on 2/24/2021.


HR 185:
Reps. Ralston, Watson, Jasperse, England, Dickey

House Resolution 185 would reauthorize the House Rural Development Council. The Council was created to study the issues facing rural parts of Georgia and recommend any action or legislation necessary to the continued economic success of Georgia, especially in rural areas.
Assigned to House Economic Development and Tourism Committee on 2/22/2021.


SB 100:
Sens. Watson, Dugan, Kennedy, Miller, Au, and Burke

This bill would require Georgia to observe Standard Time year-round until Congress authorizes states to observe Daylight Savings Time, at which point Georgia would observe Daylight Savings Time year-round.
Senate Passed/Adopted by Substitute on 2/24/2021. Assigned to House State Planning and Community Affairs Committee on 2/25/2021.


SB 119:
Sens. Harper, Goodman, Burke, Mullis, Anderson, and Walker

Under Senate Bill 119, you would not have to obtain a burn permit to burn leaf piles, yard debris, or hand-piled natural vegetation, given that you meet guidelines regarding time, location, and others.
Senate Passed/Adopted by Substitute on 2/24/2021. Assigned to House Natural Resources and Environment Committee on 2/25/2021.


SB 148:
Sens. Hufstetler, Miller, Butler, Dugan, Parent, and Mullis

Senate Bill 148 calls for the systematic study of the state's revenue structure through the creation of the Special Council on Tax Reform and Fairness for Georgians and the Special Joint Committee on Georgia Revenue Structure. The committee would report its findings and make recommendations to the Speaker of the House and the Lieutenant Governor by January 10, 2022. 
Senate Passed/Adopted by Substitute on 2/24/2021. Assigned to House Budget and Financial Oversight Committee on 2/25/2021.


SB 222:
Sens. Summers, Walker III, Sims, Harper, Goodman

SB 222 would designate the pecan as the official state nut of Georgia.
Assigned to Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee on 2/23/2021.


SB 247:
Sens. Anderson, Walker, Miller, Goodman, and Summers

SB 247 modernizes the Agricultural Commodities Promotion Act regarding marketing orders to allow for online publication of notices and announcements, online public comment periods, and clarity to the voting process to create new or major amendments to marketing orders.
Assigned to Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee on 2/25/2021.


SR 141:
Sens. Walker, Anderson, Goodman, Hatchett, and Rahman

This resolution recognizes March 1, 2021 as Peanut Butter and Jelly Day at the Capitol.



HB 44:
Reps. Cantrell, Greene, Barr, Werkheiser, Gambill, and Williams

This bill would require Georgia to observe Daylight Savings Time year-round. This will only become effective if Congress authorizes states to observe daylight savings time year-round.
House State Planning and Community Affairs Committee favorably reported on 1/29/2021.


HB 90
Reps. Williamson, Burns, Dickey, Hatchett, Morris, and Watson

HB 90 seeks to address an issue that the existing 1939 statute does not appropriately cover modern forestry practices with in regards to mill purchases of cut timber and the chain of liability that follows such transactions. The legislation is supported by both the Georgia Bankers Association and the Georgia Forestry Association.
House Passed/Adopted by Substitute on 2/17/2021. Assigned to Senate Banking and Financial Institutions Committee on 2/18/2021.


HB 139:
Reps. Mainor, Dukes, McClain, Mallow, and Thomas

This bill would prohibit trains from blocking any traffic crossing for longer than 15 minutes (with exceptions for safety reasons), and also require signage at crossings providing a telephone number to report such instances.
Assigned to House Transportation Committee on 1/28/2021.


HB 282:
Reps. Meeks, England, Hatchett, Watson, and Dickey

This bill provides clarity to the ad valorem taxation of qualified timberland property by defining parameters for “contiguous” property, specifying how the appraised value of timberland property is calculated, and clarifies the required documentation landowners must submit to the Commissioner of Revenue for certification.
House Passed/Adopted by Committee Substitute on 2/17/2021. Assigned to Senate Finance Committee on 2/18/2021.


HB 290:
Reps. Setzler, Newton, Hatchett, Rich, Jackson, and Bentley

House Bill 290, or the "Right to Visit" Bill, would require Georgia's hospitals and nursing home facilities to allow patients to visit with family members for a minimum of two hours per day - even during a public health emergency such as the Covid-19 pandemic - following proper safety and health protocols including as negative testing. 
Assigned to House Human Relations and Aging Committee on 2/4/2021.


HB 482:
Reps. Lim and Holcomb

This bill would provide a preferential tax rate program that seeks to promote urban agriculture as well as provide for urban agricultural incentive zones that would be located in areas with a 15% or greater poverty rate. The program includes restrictions for properties that enter a contract such as being at least .10 acres but not more than 5 acres and for an initial term of at least 5 years. This bill is the enabling legislation for HR 164 that would put this change on the ballot in 2022 as a constitutional amendment.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee on 2/17/2021.


HB 496:
Reps. Burchett, Burns, Rhodes, Ridley, and Williams

This bill seeks to create a $1,000 Annual Forest Product Permit, issuable by the Department of Transportation, allowing vehicles hauling timber up to a gross weight of 95,000, up to 10 feet wide, and no more than 100 feet long.
Assigned to House Transportation Committee on 2/18/2021.


HB 498:
Reps. Watson, Dickey, LaHood, England, and Pirkle

Tax programs and business models have increased the prevalence of family farm mergers. This bill modernizes the ad valorem tax exemption of farm equipment and products to these merged entities, so long as they would qualify for the exemption individually.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee on 2/18/2021.


HB 500:
Reps. Burchett, Blackmon, Dickey, Rhodes, and Watson

The Georgia Agribusiness and Rural Jobs Act, established in 2017, provides a system of non-traditional loans for rural businesses to encourage economic growth and jobs. This legislation would provide the second round of funding, in the amount of $100 million, to replenish the program.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee on 2/18/2021.


HB 504:
Reps. Williamson, Reeves, Burns, Knight, Blackmon, and Lott

Similar to HB 500, this legislation provides a second round of funding for the Georgia Agribusiness and Rural Jobs Act in the amount of $100 million. However, the bill goes on to create a new NAICS code and tax program for medical equipment and supplies manufacturers. Additionally, this bill goes on to address other tax credit programs dealing with high-impact aerospace defense projects, Georgia ports, and railroads.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee on 2/18/2021.


HR 164:
Reps. Lim and Holcomb

HR 164 would allow for a constitutional amendment to be on the ballot in 2022 should HB 482 pass. See above for additional information on HB 482.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee on 2/17/2021.


SB 30:
Sens. Beach and Harbison

Senate Bill 30 would provide for pari-mutuel horse racing in the state at a limited number of licensed equestrian centers, create the Georgia Horse Racing Commission, and provide for the comprehensive regulation of pari-mutuel horse racing and related activities.
Referred to Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee on 1/28/2021.


SB 65:
Sens. Gooch, Miller, Cowsert, Tillery, Harper, and Hatchett

In a continued effort to expand broadband access to rural and un-served communities, this legislation allows the Public Service Commission and Department of Community Affairs to utilize a portion of the Universal Access Fund for such services.
Assigned to Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee on 2/2/2021.


SB 118:
Sens. Harper, Burke, Tillery, Goodman, Anderson, and Kennedy

SB 118 would increase truck weights for 6-axle timber haulers up to 100,000 lbs.
Assigned to Senate Transportation Committee on 2/10/2021.


SB 195:
Sen. Mullis

In another minute clarification to Georgia’s new hemp industry, this legislation states that the drying and curing of hemp plants does not qualify as “processing.”
Assigned to Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee on 2/17/2021.




A special election was held last week for Georgia State House District 90, previously held by Pam Stephenson (D-Lithonia). Stephenson resigned from her position and candidacy in September. 

There were six candidates, all democrats, vying for the seat. As no candidate received more than 50% of the roughly 3,000 votes cast, the top two contenders - Stan Watson and Angela Moore - will move on to a runoff election on March 9.

House District 90 is based in DeKalb County. To check your district and voter registration status, click here.

We have received a number of questions regarding election laws within the state over the past few months, and an assortment of bills regarding the subject have been filed in both the House and the Senate during the 2021 legislative session. Below you will find a list of many of the bills of interest surrounding elections and elected officials both in Georgia and Washington, D.C. 



We have received a number of questions regarding election laws within the state over the past few months, and an assortment of bills regarding the subject have been filed in both the House and the Senate during the 2021 legislative session. Below you will find a list of many of the bills of interest surrounding elections and elected officials both in Georgia and Washington, D.C. 


HB 59:
Reps. Cantrell, Clark, Rich, and Evans

House Bill 59 would provide special absentee ballots for, as well as authorize the use of instant runoff voting for, those overseas citizens and military personnel who cannot vote in person. Rather than wait until after a runoff election is called to submit a ballot, voters would have the opportunity to submit a special runoff ballot with their general election ballot, to be opened and counted only if a runoff election is required.
Assigned to the Special Committee on Election Integrity on 1/12/2021.


HB 62:
Reps. Gullett, Powell, Momtahan, Williams, Gambill, and Singleton

This bill would ban third-party organizations from funding local election operations.
Assigned to the Special Committee on Election Integrity on 1/13/2021.


HB 270:
Reps. Fleming, Jones, DeLoach, Williams, Powell, and Blackmon

House Bill 270 would require all absentee by mail ballot applications to be received by the board of registrars or absentee ballot clerk by no later than 5:00 pm on the second Friday before the primary, election, or runoff and also requires that election officials get absentee ballots in the mail within three business days of receipt. Additionally, no ballots may be issued or mailed following the close of business on the Wednesday prior to the primary, election, or runoff.
Special Committee on Election Integrity Favorably Reported by Substitute on 2/10/2021.


HB 461:
Reps. Fleming, Jones, Rich, Williams, and DeLoach

This bill would allow for all returned absentee ballots to be securely opened and counted ahead of Election Day.
Assigned to the Special Committee on Election Integrity on 2/16/2021.


HB 531:
Reps Fleming, Jones, Powell, Blackmon, Smith and Williams

House Bill 531 is an omnibus bill that aims to provide uniforrmity to Georgia's voting process. It would require all counties to hold early voting from 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday for the three weeks leading up to the election in addition to the second Saturday prior to the election and it would prohibit any Sunday voting. Additionally, the bill contains photo ID requirements for absentee ballots and limits the amount of time that absentee ballots can be requested and returned. It also restricts drop boxes to early voting sites, only allowing for their usage during early voting hours.
Assigned to House Special Committee on Election Integrity on 2/18/2021.


SB 29:
Sen. Anavitarte

This bill would require those wishing to vote in a Georgia election by absentee ballot to include a photocopy of their driver's license, voter ID card, U.S. passport, government employee ID, military ID card, or tribal identification card both when applying for an absentee ballot application and when returning it. Members of the military and overseas voters would be exempt from this requirement.
Referred to Senate Ethics Committee on 1/28/2021.


SB 67:
Sens. Walker, Miller, Mullis, Kennedy, Gooch, and Anavitarte

SB 67 would require Georgia's voters to provide a copy of a valid driver's license, voter ID card, or state ID number when requesting an absentee ballot. It would also allow the Secretary of State's office to establish a web portal in which a voter may submit a request for an absentee ballot by providing proper identification, following which the Secretary of State's office would forward the information to the voter's county of residence for issuance of an absentee ballot.
Senate Ethics Committee Favorably Reported by Substitute on 2/18/2021.


SB 68:
Sens. Mullis, Miller, Gooch, Walker, Albers, and Hickman

This bill would eliminate absentee ballot drop boxes and require all absentee ballots to be either mailed or hand-delivered to the appropriate county election registrar or clerk.
Assigned to Senate Ethics Committee on 2/2/2021.


SB 69:
Sens. Mullis, Miller, Gooch, Walker, Hickman, and McNeill

Senate Bill 69 would prohibit automatic voter registration when driver's licenses are attained; instead, residents would have to explicitly indicate the desire to register to vote and subsequently sign a voter registration application.
Assigned to Senate Ethics Committee on 2/2/2021.


SB 70:
Sens. Mullis, Miller, Gooch, Walker, Albers, and Hickman

This bill would prohibit new residents of Georgia from voting in runoff elections in the same election cycle.
Assigned to Senate Ethics Committee on 2/2/2021.


SB 71:
Sens. Mullis, Miller, Hickman, McNeill, Beach, and Burns

Senate Bill 71 would end "no excuse" absentee voting and limit absentee voting to residents over the age of 75, those with disabilities, or those required to be absent from their voting precinct.
Assigned to Senate Ethics Committee on 2/2/2021.


SB 73:
Sens. Mullis, Miller, Gooch, Walker, Albers, and Hickman

SB 73 would prohibit all persons and organizations other than the Secretary of State, an election superintendent, a board of registrars, or a candidate or candidate's campaign committee to distribute absentee ballot request forms.
Assigned to Senate Ethics Committee on 2/2/2021.


SB 89:
Sens. Miller, Albers, Gooch, Kennedy, Anavitarte, and Brass

Senate Bill 89 would create within the Secretary of State's office a "Chief Elections Assistance" officer to work under the supervision of the director of the Elections Division. The Chief Elections Assistance officer shall be appointed by the State Election Board. The officer would be responsible for overseeing and training county election superintendents, establishing a list of third-party vendors to perform routine audits and evaluations of election management practices, and provide support to those lowest-performing election superintendents in need of assistance.
Senate Ethics Committee Favorably Reported by Substitute on 2/18/2021.


SB 93:
Sens. Robertson, Anderson, Mullis, Harbin, Thompson, and Anavitarte

This bill would allow for the usage of mobile voting precincts only when existing polling places are deemed unsafe for human occupation or has suffered loss of water and/or electricity. Any other usage of mobile voting precincts would be banned.
Assigned to Senate Ethics Committee on 2/8/2021.


SB 141:
Sens. Anavitarte, McNeill, Thompson, Robertson, Hickman, and Gooch

SB 141 would require immediate counting and tabulation of ballots following the closure of polls until counting and tabulation is completed.
Assigned to Senate Ethics Committee on 2/10/2021.


SB 241:
Sens. Dugan, Miller, Gooch, Kennedy, Cowsert, and Anderson

Similar to HB 531, SB 241 is an omnibus bill that covers a variety of issues including requiring state-issued ID with absentee ballots, under oath submission of absentee ballots, elimination of no-excuse absentee ballots, limited usage of mobile voting units, succinct ballot-counting guidelines, and creation of a voter intimidation and illegal election activity hotline run by the Attorney General's office, among other things.
Assigned to Senate Ethics Committee on 2/24/2021.


SR 83:
Sens. Miller, Gooch, Walker, Burke, and Albers

This resolution proposes an amendment to the Constitution that would allow members of the House of Representatives to serve four-year terms of office and the Senate to serve six-year terms. 
Assigned to Senate Government Oversight Committee on 2/10/2021.


Federal News and Updates


On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate confirmed Tom Vilsack to lead the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Secretary Vilsack was confirmed in a strong bipartisan vote of 92-7.

Vilsack begins his second term as USDA’s head, serving previously under the Obama administration where he was confirmed unanimously in 2009.

American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) President Zippy Duvall commented on the confirmation.

“AFBF congratulates Tom Vilsack on his confirmation as the next Secretary of Agriculture. His strong track record of leadership and previous experience at USDA will serve rural America well.

“Secretary Vilsack and I have spoken several times in recent weeks about opportunities and challenges facing America’s farmers and ranchers, and I look forward to close collaboration. We have a lot of work to do as we overcome obstacles created by the COVID-19 pandemic. We must commit to resuming CARES Act programs and continue to build on advances made in trade. We must move forward on the successes made in climate-smart practices while seeking partnerships to ensure new environmental policies remain market-based and voluntary. We also recognize the importance of strengthening the farm bill and bringing broadband to every community in America.

“We stand ready to work with Secretary Vilsack and USDA on issues that benefit this nation’s farmers and ranchers – his success means rural America’s success.”



On January 15, USDA announced additional assistance through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). Since that announcement, the Biden administration has halted processing and payments pending review. The review is ongoing and it is anticipated that a decision will be made in the coming weeks. The previously set application deadline of February 26 has been eliminated and local FSA offices will continue to accept applications while the administration evaluates the program. Interested applicants will have at least an additional 30 days to sign up after a decision is reached.

American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) President Zippy Duvall thanked the administration for the extension on Thursday. Earlier this week, AFBF sent a letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack requesting an extension.

“AFBF applauds Secretary Vilsack for his swift response to our call for an extension to the CFAP application deadline. Coronavirus aid is a lifeline for farmers and ranchers who are suffering from losses due to the pandemic. Recent severe weather and the suspension of CFAP payments led to challenges and confusion surrounding the application process. The extra time will help ensure America’s farmers have the opportunity to apply for help. We encourage USDA to quickly complete its review of CFAP so resources can be distributed to the people who are working to feed families across the country.”

Once reinstated, this new assistance will include expanded eligibility for certain commodities and producers established in the recently passed relief package, as well as updated payments for producers who were eligible under previous iterations of the program. For more information, click here.



Earlier this week, Georgia Representative Austin Scott (R) introduced H.R. 843, which would more than double the Commodity Credit Corporation’s (CCC) borrowing limit. Currently set at $30 billion, the cap has been in place since 1987. Scott’s proposal would bring the limit to a total of $68 billion, accounting for the inflation-adjusted value of the current $30 billion cap, put in place over 30 years ago.

The CCC has provided much-needed funding to farmers and ranchers since its inception. The majority of payments for many farm bill programs, as well as supplemental assistance for nutrition programs, stems from the CCC. Additionally, recent Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), Market Facilitation Program (MFP), and disaster payments have stemmed from the CCC funding umbrella. In September, Congress had to replenish the CCC as funds ran perilously low, sparking the need for a higher borrowing limit.

To learn more about Scott’s bipartisan bill, co-sponsored by fellow members of the Georgia delegation and supported by the American Farm Bureau Federation, click here.



On January 15, USDA announced additional assistance through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program. Since that announcement, the Biden administration has halted processing and payments pending review. Local FSA offices will continue to accept applications while the administration evaluates the program. Should it be reinstated, this new assistance will include expanded eligibility for certain commodities and producers established in the recently passed 

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